The Difference Between Fountains, Submersed Aeration and Nanobubbles
Lakes and ponds serve many purposes. They accumulate sediment and runoff from rainstorms. They are used for recreation for fishing, boating, swimming, and offer beautiful ecosystems that communities can enjoy year-round. No two bodies of water are alike. However, there is one thing healthy freshwater systems have in common: a plentiful amount of dissolved oxygen (DO). The exchange of dissolved oxygen happens naturally on the surface, but aquatic weeds and algae or poor circulation can block dissolved oxygen from reaching areas that need it more. This can lead to imbalances that will cause poor water conditions, foul odors, excessive sludge, midge and mosquito infestations, fish kills, and harmful cyanobacteria blooms.

Thankfully, there are a lot of sustainable solutions that will remedy the imbalanced dissolved oxygen conditions. Each solution has its unique benefits and restrictions.
Floating and architectural fountains are an option to encourage water circulation and dissolved oxygen. Fountains …
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