Mysterious Myanmar for the Traveler
Stunning world miracles hold up in time-distorted Myanmar. Once in the past known as Burma, this relatively overlooked antiquated corner of Southeast Asia yields a convergence of Buddhist pagodas and religious communities decorated with maroon robed priests and wonderful nuns in pink. There are high quality towns still explored by bull and pony trucks and there are truly warm and inviting individuals who have remained to a great extent uncorrupted by mass tourism and intense private enterprise – for now.
What’s to come is currently for Myanmar – a nation that has risen after a long hibernation under a military fascism, and is presently on the dubious way to majority rules system and loaded with richness. Myanmar’s “new-ness” is to some extent why it has turned into the goal of the day: drawing in everyone from Barrack Obama to global business people after a bit of the pie, to voyagers …
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