Learn How to Play Surfing Well and Right



Learning to surf can be an experience that will change your life. Surfer enjoy the rush of crystal wave waves, flying along the edge of the waves more often than ordinary people on earth in enjoying exotic places on earth.

Looks like it sounds interesting is not it? So here will be explained a little way to learn to surf. Below provides all the basics you should know before taking your first surf school or renting your first surfboard. If you learn how to surf properly, you will grow much faster than novice surfers at a surfing school, faster to become an experienced surfer.

If you’ve never seen a surfing equipment kit, you should at least have a good knowledge of surfboards and where surfers are ideally to learn to surf and here will give you an initial understanding of the correct size of soft top, pop-ups or mini- Can be used for preliminary considerations before being truly a reliable surfer.

Choose the Right Spot

Surf breaks, wave points are very varied and if you try to learn in the wrong place can slow down the learning process so much longer and reduce the fun, you may be injured and you will interfere with other surfers. Look for slow and easy beaches, ride waves in the range of 1-2 ft or as high as the chest of an adult. It may not look challenging but it will be the best place to start. It’s also possible to try and find places where there are not many crowds – playing with some other beginners and more experienced surfers is not the best way to surf for beginners. If you have a little free space it will be easier to learn to surf.

Remember the answer is to forget to play in the waves of rocks, rocks, (reef break) and heavy.

Paddle out

If you already have a new surfboard under your arm and you’ve found the right place, a place not too crowded for surfing, it’s time to paddle! Rowing is the most basic surfing skill, it is important that this exercise will benefit a lot. Starting from small waves and if possible paddle when there is a fraction of waves.

The best way is to put a surfboard into the water if you reach the water depth around your thighs and waist, then lay down on the deck of the surfboard. Maintain balance on the surfboard so that the tip of the surfboard is slightly out of the water surface. The trick is to find the optimal position to fight the wave currents and give strength when rowing. Once you feel the board slide easily you will find the ideal position, so keep your position and stay in the right position.

Start paddling with your arm moving into the water with your chest lifted up, close your fingers tightly and move firmly, but not necessarily in a hurry. If the water gets wavy or “cut”, lift your chest slightly and reduce your weight on the board so that the board nose is not too submerged into the water. If you have learned to balance right and left, head and legs, paddle the board in the direction of the waves!

Duck Diving

Duck Diving or duck style is a technique to allow you to pass under the waves while paddling out, rather than losing stamina for continuous waves crashing. Duck Diving applies to smaller and lighter short boards, for long boards there are a number of techniques used to achieve the same results. For duck diving surfing, try to quickly paddle near the waves. About two meters before contact with white froth fracture, hold the strong rails (edge of the surfboard) in the middle between your nose and the midpoint of your body. Push all your upper body weight into your hands and arms until you feel your nose sinking. Take your head and let your body follow.

After the body is just below the surface of water, bend your front legs and use the knee or heel to press the tail of the board under the waves. This momentum should push you under the waves and quickly pass through and only require to be under water for a short time. After the wave passes let your body hold the board and make sure the head moves in the direction of the board nose.

To paddle out on the long board there are several ways to overcome the waves: The slices and ducks, Eskimo roll, push-ups and shoot and shift. On smaller waves the push-up technique may be best. Just lift your chest and waves will pass under your body and on the board. The shoot and shift method is where you sit behind the board and drown the tail, holding the rails around the center of the board so it dances over the approaching waves. Do not get too far back so the board nose will rise up and you’ll be turned upside down.

The old Eskimo roll method to get out and back from the waves is by way of flipping the board and hiding on the board when the waves sweep. It’s just a matter of grabbing the board and rolling it up so the waves pass through your top. This may not be the most effective method because there is an opportunity to be drilled by waves and pushed further back to shore. The last method is to slice and duck the way by pressing down on one side of the surfboard so that it slices / sinks into the water, at the same time presses on the deck so that the duck nose boards underwater in the same way as duck diving.

Catching Waves

To start off remains on the rowing track and it’s best to catch the waves that have ruptured and chased and led the wave action. You must have an ideal paddling position at this stage, so your focal point goes straight to the beach and the best way to get to the beach. The wave will take you and push you to the shore, of course your mind is floating and missing, but if your nose gets into the water you will tumble down like a chalkboard , also if the waves pass below because it is too backward and slows the board movement.

It’s fun to catch and ride a few times and get a really nice experience, after which it’s time to get up and we’ll talk about it this time. After understanding how to catch white waves and rowing skills to pick up the white waves coming it is a basic skill of surfing. After learning the way it will take a bit of time to choose the waves and practice in surfing patiently, there is a lot of fun in every session you play surfing.

When the waves approach, change the direction of the board nose toward the beach, lie down and start paddle. When you feel a hard boost from the waves then that’s when you paddle with all your strength and begin to hold the rail board, the natural tendency is that most will be reversed because the nose board too get into the water, but it is a slow process that makes you better understand how to catch more experienced waves .

Leaning onto a board and raising your chest when you feel the waves’ impulse is the right way to avoid instability that occurs in the effects of ocean trenches that occur due to the strong currents of the waves. But this is the ideal position for beginners who catch the waves and control them before actually standing on the surf papas. Now you are ready and will enter at the next stage.

Stand Up

Standing on a surfboard looks very easy but once you put a surfboard that moves on the beat, a whirlpool wave in which you must simultaneously jump from a prone position while weight and stability of the left, right, front and back legs just to keep away from crass In the future, you will soon realize a lot of practice will be needed! A place to start to stand on the beach. First you need to know which feet will naturally be in front. The left-footed forward is called a natural attitude and right-footed forward is the attitude of goofie feet. The way to find out can be by standing and looking straight ahead, let your friends nudge and push forward, the first leg out is the position you will do on the surfboard.