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We have the tendency as students to want to achieve the best from our dissertations. Mostly likely, and to most students, their dissertation is the most memorable part of their college life. The dissertation makes students need to go an extra mile, leave their cocoons and do thorough research. It is therefore your obligation to ensure that you give it your best so that you can get the best and never have a reason to regret.

The paragraphs below are tips on how you can make your tourism dissertation the best in your college. Note that these tips have been compiled within the 12 years I have been a dissertation expert and more so in tourism management.


If you are in control of topic selection, ensure that you select a tourism dissertation topic that you find interesting, a topic that you feel you will enjoy covering. This is because you will spend an incredible amount of time for your dissertation. You don’t want to spend all this time doing a tourism dissertation topic that does not interest you. You will be demotivated, and this would lower the likelihood of completing your tourism dissertation on time. It is advisable to select a topic that relates to your daily routine. For example, if your profession is in the hospitality industry, try select a topic that is related to the hotel industry.

Figure 1: if you work in a reserve, select an animal related tourism dissertation topic

If you work in a game reserve, select a topic that is related to world animals, and so forth. By doing so, you make your dissertation process less strenuous and fun. You can be sure to score better grades too.


The second most important tip in writing your tourism dissertation is to structure your dissertation. Create a bulleted outline, with which you will fill with content. These bullet points will guide you on what every paragraph will have. Make sure that you don’t go off-track. Additionally, make sure that you put in enough content of what you will be talking about. Make sure that you have enough content for your dissertation conclusion.


The third important point is getting into a routine of writing your tourism dissertation. Prepare a weekly schedule and ensure that you follow your schedule to the letter. For example, you can choose to be writing your dissertation three days every week from 4 am to midday, then rest the remaining part of the week. Most importantly, ensure that you get enough sleep. You will not write good content if you are tired or half-asleep. Therefore, try get most of your work done early in the morning and during the day when you are less tired.


Snacking is allowed. When writing your tourism dissertation, take snacks and chocolate. Scientists have proven that chocolate has a positive effect to the brain. You definitely want your brain to be at its level best, then take chocolates.


Make sure that you backup your work. Send a copy to your mom, another to your friend and enemy 😉 By sharing the work, it becomes easy to retrieve it wherever and whenever. Format your work in the right manner. The formats may be font size, color, and so forth. Consult your supervisor on the required formatting.


Get somebody else to go through your work. It is impossible to notice all your mistakes. You need a third party such as tourism online dissertation assistance for editing or proofreading. Such assistance will help in removal of long and redundant sentences that do not make sense in your dissertation. Online professionals have more experience than you as they have done hundreds of dissertations. Online assistance also helps in saving the limited amount of time that students have in the dissertation process.


Try finish your dissertation early for binding. If you wait to the last minute, you will have to queue since most of the students do the binding on the last days. Do the binding early to avoid the long queues at the cyber cafes.


Finally, give yourself something to look forward to at the end of the project. For example you can plan a mountain climbing escapade, a trip to Paris with your loved ones, and so forth.